Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Interconnected Performers - Performance Event, Performance Concept


Dimanche le 01 février 2009 / Sunday February 1st 2009

articule (centre d'artistes / artisst run center), Montréal, Québec (262 Fairmount O.)

lien / link  to blooger website presence of " Interconnected Performers Performance Concept "- Performance Events 2009 and 2010,  

The Event: Interconnected Performers - ONE DAY – 3 PERFORMANCES 

Curated by Nicole Fournier 

With performances by Tagny Duff, Eric Letourneau*, Nicole Fournier*

*Please note your dogs are invited to the performance, starting at 6:30pm.

Interconnected Performers showcases some of the concerns of interspecies relations/ interhuman relations/ bioworks/ecologies / interconnections with non-human performers.

The event addresses human interrelationships, collectivity; with living matter, bacteria, fungi and cellular collectivity, which make up humans and other species, with non-cellular, viral performance, interconnected to life.

It is about invisible performances that take place in the microcosm and macrocosm.

Installation-performance starting at noon

– action at 6:30pm  

Tagny Duff’s performance-installation, Performing Diagnosis, invites gallery visitors to collectively perform the testing for the presence of HIV via protocols performed through the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The “testing” will be performed with garbage collected from recycling bins- the antithesis of sterile technique practiced in laboratory environments. The performance will also feature a collective manoeuvre where visitors are invited to dispose of the waste (and ultimately the installation). The gallery becomes a place for creating and processing biological waste and pathogens created by its human-animal visitors.

action-manoeuvre – 6:30pm

Eric Letourneau’s maneouvre Drive-inn for sled dogs is about the transportation of pollen by mammals, in this case dogs. As mammals pass next to plants in the wilderness, they pick up pollen in their fur, carrying it, or consume seeds and poop them out. Thus allowing for the propagation of plant species. The Drive-inn for dogs will be set up in front of Articule gallery. The dogs will be parked and invited to watch the very first episode of the “Six Million Dollar Man”. Attracted by food painted on the storefront window, they eat, devour or at least lick Steve Austin, digesting him and shitting him out further away, pollinating the soil with his bionic seed.

Installation-performance starting at noon – action at 7pm and 7:30pm

Nicole Fournier will present The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food..... performing, with climate changed, recycled furniture, food preparation and decomposing food (composting). Fournier will be cooking and sharing food with the public (people and dogs), intermixed with play, between herself, her dog “Whistler”. The wildness of unpredictable improvised actions and planned or controlled actions, will take place, with painting food on the wall, which you and your dog are invited to eat. Fournier changes dress, use her voice, weedeater, razor, hair dryer, drill, a toy shark, for actions on food and plants in earth, cooking on a stove top.

lien / link  Interconnected Performers - Performance Event, Performance Concept

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Les Ateliers Performances ACE avec la communauté Place Benoît -10 juillet 2011 au 18 octobre 2012

Les Ateliers Performances ACE avec la communauté Place Benoît -10 juillet 2011 au 18 octobre 2012
En partenariat avec le Centre Communautaire Bon Courage de Place Benoît (CCBC) - des oeuvres performatives misant sur le processus, depuis 2011. Ici dans l'action durant un des Ateliers Performances ACE (Art-Communautés-Environnement) . Voici des résidents de tous les ages de Place Benoît en action dans le processus de création avec Nicole Fournier, par exemples : d'avoir dessiner / composer avec des branches, enlever le gazon, pour la création d'un jardin artistique de biodiversité nourricière......